Thursday, May 17, 2012

Out in the field

My role here in Bangladesh is to try and build the capacity of the local World Vision staff in their water and sanitation projects, and build connections with other NGOs working in the WASH sector. WASH is the trendy development acronym for water, sanitation and hygiene.

This week I went out with the local project staff to see what projects WV are currently working on.

I spent about 20% of the time looking at projects and sitting in on community meetings and education sessions; and the other 80% of time chatting with the hoard of kids and community people who were bemused and delighted to see a bedeshi (foreigner) in their community! They gave me mangoes and made me sing an Australian song! (...obviously my mind went blank at such a request. I went with Advance
 Australia Fair!?!)

In the community I visited, World Vision had installed 12 septic tank latrines 1 year earlier. The families who received them were very eager to tell me that they kept them clean and well maintained and since the latrines were installed they had noticed a big decrease in diarrhoea and cholera in the community!  Here are some of the grateful recipients!

But now feel pretty challenged by the task ahead, and am feeling very under qualified! Can me being here really benefit these communities? But my colleagues have been very encouraging and one said, "it's the many small steps that lead to the transformation." 

I know that these faces below and the grateful families I met will definitely be my motivation while working here this year!!


  1. Nice pics! It's great to see what you've been up to so far... I'm sure Xavi would love it over there with all those friendly kids, Elle x

  2. Xavi would love it here! Lots of kiddies everywhere! Although you may get a little stressed out trying to help him cross the road! ;) xxx
