Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hello internet, remember me? You know, that girl who can't eat bacon used to write about her life in Bangladesh? Well *used* to write before she became slack (or busy?) and stopped posting! Please forgive me!

I'm back in Chittagong after two weeks away in North-Western Bangladesh and India with my Mum and Dad! We had a great time and I love India, a lot, but it's good to be back in the 'gong, to thaw out (Northern India was so cold!) I've missed home!

I live in South Khulshi and Work in North Khulshi and although most of this city is hugely chaotic, Khulshi is as close to a haven as it's possible to find in these parts - mainly because it's a no through area and all of the streets are manned my baton wielding security men!

So as I ease back into Chittagong living, here are some pictures that I snapped yesterday on my way home from work, a little glimpse of Khulshi, and the familiar things that make it feel like home.

My work building.
The green leafy streets of North Khulshi
The bright shining star of Khulshi - Khulshi Mart! Being so close to this western style supermarket brings me abundance of joy on a daily basis. 
Road #2 guard. Keeping out the rif-raff.
This is Queen Elizabeth (Lizzie) the Road 2 street dog, a royal name to cancel out her scruffiness  She would laways join us on our morning runs!
The local Road 2 shop, protected by the sweet boy who works there. He wants us to take him home with us to Australia! *sniff*
And our Khulshi Palace. Home.

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