Thursday, July 26, 2012

Miss Bridget

Sometimes I get home from work here and I have to pinch myself, "did that really happen?"

Like the day that I was escorted like a movie star through a muddy village community in the rain to be shown a toilet. 

And you know, since I was in town, why not shuffle the teacher aside and thrust the Australian girl in front of the grade 10 class to give an impromptu lecture? Of course. 

Oh, and did I mention cute children? ;) 

Those days. They're kind of great.


  1. Love it Bridget!
    Haha, is that even real life?

  2. Sometimes I'm not even sure!! ;) I'm going to have such a complex when I get home and discover that my bubble has popped and I'm not really famous!! ;)

  3. I love the photo of the kids under the umbrella with you. By the way, I'm sure you ARE famous over there. How many tall, blonde, friendly Australians do these people see daily? You must be the talk of the 'gong!
