Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baring the belly

I wore a Sari!

And in case you were wondering, I felt pretty fabulous! 

Although after getting a cold last night, I've felt pretty un-fabulous since! I was so determined that if I was going to get sick, it had to be to something very exotic and developing world-esk. But as my travel nurse made sure that it was not possible to catch anything travel book worthy - I get stuck with a cold!


  1. You look lovely darling. I hope you packed plenty of pins! RAT

  2. No need for the pins - I'd never be able to wrap it myself anyway! They are several upmarket beauty places for women that as well as doing hair and makeup, also put on your sari for you! (with lots of pins!) and it only coat 200taka (about $2.50!) xxx
