Thursday, May 31, 2012

The rains are here!

Lately it's been hot. Like really hot. The actual temperature is in the high 30s, but with a 90% humidity and zero relief over night it has been horrid! Oh, and did I mention I have no air-con and I wear long pants, a long top and scarf in this weather?

But tonight - sweet relief! The rains came! I did't even care that the open stormwater/ sewer drains have started overflowing in the streets, and that when I arrived home I had to hose my feet and shoes down from unmentionables. The rains have arrived and it brought some cooling winds for some sweet relief!

Here are some pics I took of the first rain of the season, while I was stuck in traffic tonight in Chittagong.


  1. i was gonna ask how the sewers coped with it

  2. Hi Bridget! So lovely to hear what you are up to, you are doing an amazing thing! The photos and stories are wonderful, and reading your posts makes me so jealous and so proud for you! Thinking of you and praying for you on this amazing adventure!
    Michelle, Stu and Bella xxx

  3. James - well, they pretty such don't cope! Which is obviously lovely for those who need to walk anywhere during a downpour!
    Luck's - great to hear from you! Being here seems amazing one minute, and then totally normal the next! Hope you guys are well! :)
